A.J Riley
8 min readApr 12, 2023

Written by A.J Riley, ft my friend Jace

Top 10 Ships We Hate

Before I get into this article, I’d just like to say I do not get paid to write these. I simply write them for fun. I’m just a hater for free (just kidding, a little)

Please remember that this is our opinions. Thank you.


Hello there, I am here with possibly my most controversial article I’ve ever written when it comes to me and my writing about shipping. Today, I am here with my friend Jace discussing our top 10 ships in Books and television that we hate and why.

Me: Hi, Jace. Thank you for joining me today

Jace: You’re welcome.

Me: So, tell me your top 5 hated ships and why?

Jace: My top 5 ships I hate from most hated to least hated are Rhaenicent House of the Dragon, Qualice The Magicians , Margosh The Magicians, Clace Shadowhunters, Malina Shadow and Bone (Books)

Me: Start with the first one please, if you are ready.

J: Rhaenyra and Alicent from House of the Dragon. So, I absolutely despise Rhaenyra and Alicent as a ship because of all the absolutely despicable things Alicent does to Rhaenyra and how she treats her in general. Alicent is horrible to Rhaenyra simply because she is a woman who doesn’t bow down to men and act demure and pathetic. Alicent hates that Rhaenyra doesn’t stew in her own misery like she does. Rhaenyra’s kids are not biologically her husbands and Alicent hates her for finding happiness when in a romantically loveless marriage. Laenor is gay and Rhaenyra doesn’t force him to change, she loves him as he is. Alicent on the other hand is married to Rhaenyra’s father and deeply unhappy about it. So she blames Rhaenyra for her misery because to her Rhaenyra does not feel the same. And then slight spoiler but Alicent is literally the reason for the deaths of four of Rhaenyra’s kids. It’s just a deeply terrible ship.

J: Sorry for the essay.

Me: It’s fine. How about your next ship you hate? Qualice.

J: *deep inhale* God damn Qualice…Quentin and Alice from the Magicians. Now this one is different from my usual hate ships because I love both of these characters as individuals. But together they just don’t work and the show keeps pushing them together. Even Lev (the original author) has admitted that he wished Quentin and Eliot had ended up together. (We’re waiting for the fourth TM book Lev ❤.) The show writers on the other hand pushed for qualice after making them seem like they were breaking up for good because they’re just different people. But all of a sudden they threw that out the window. They just don’t work! Some people are just better as friends. But of course the smart, beautiful woman has to be in a relationship and can’t just be happy on her own. It’s a terrible ship.

Me: Thank you for your answer on that one. How about your 3rd one? Margosh.

J: I don’t have as much to say about this one. Margo and Josh from The Magicians. Margosh is a ship rooted in racism and misogyny. Anyone who ships them…I definitely wouldn’t want to be friends with them. Margo is a strong powerful woman who doesn’t need any man until Josh walks in with his magical dick. It was a literal bone-or-die situation and immediately after Margo is suddenly in love with Josh, a man that is basically an incel self-insert for one of the show runners. Also the fact that they basically forced Margo to end up with a white man instead of letting a brown woman be happy with her independence was sus to say the least.

Me: Wow, that sure is something. Now tell me about your Clace hate, from Shadowhunter?

J: Ah Clace. Jace and Clary from Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments. Actually I take back what I said from the Qualice thing because I love both Jace and Clary…uh Jace for obvious reasons. I see a lot of myself in him. I think both of them are ill-suited partners for each other and more than that I personally see Clary’s romance with both Simon and Jace as being comphet-coded. I just cannot see Clary with any man. Clary’s romances with both of them are strange to say the least. It doesn’t feel like she genuinely loves either of them. It seems more like something she thinks she’s supposed to feel.

Me: Interesting. And for your last one? Malina.

J: Mal and Alina from the Shadow and Bone trilogy. This is specifically about book Malina because Mal is…the worst kind of man imaginable. He’s misogynistic, he’s prejudiced, he’s also just really dumb. Like I’ve never seen a character make so many bad decisions. Which is besides the point because this is about his relationship with Alina. Mal literally hates Grisha. He hates everything about who Alina is deep down. He doesn’t understand her. And what he wants for his life is stuff that just doesn’t suit Alina. Not to mention the way he treats her. He’s condescending. He’s horrible for her.

Me: Thank you for sharing your top 10 ships you hate!

So, now is my turn I suppose. My top 5 from least to most is Captainswan from Once Upon A Time, Paily from Pretty Little Liars, Handon From Legacies, Karamel from Supergirl and as number one, Ezria from Pretty Little Liars

So for CaptainSwan between Killian Jones and Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time, I hate them but not to an extent as the other ones. There are many reasons I hate this ship but the main reason is that Killian, aka Captain Hook was introduced as a jerk. And Emma was a bad ass strong woman who took nobody’s bullshit. But once Killian entered the photo and after an exhausting whole montage of them basically bickering, Emma suddenly becomes this woman who tries to ‘fix’ Killian, which is the same repeated crap from any basic toxic heterosexual ship. “I can fix him,” Emma went from badass and independent to a helpless puppy. And that sent a very poor message to the viewers.

My next ship on the list is Paily. Paige McCullers and Emily Fields from Pretty Little Liars. I don’t really need to explain this if we’re being honest. Paige was angry Emily got positioned as the captain of the swim team, not her, so Paige attempted to kill Emily and drown her, which is probably the worst way to try and make your audience like them, but sure. And another part was that Paige made snarky comments about Emily being gay. And while yes, it could’ve been internalized homophobia like many fans have tried to excuse, it was still a really shitty thing to do. And when they got together, it was hard to keep trust between them because Emily was dealing with -A and trying to maintain a relationship with Paige in a way she wouldn’t get involved with. And that’s pretty much it.

My 3rd ship is Handon. Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby from Legacies. Now, before you jump at me and say “Oh, you only hate them because your ship (Hosie) never happened,” that is far from true. I hate them because they’re just boring and bland. There’s many times where Landon crossed a line and upset Hope but no apology was given. There was an episode in S3 where he took a private letter Klaus (Hope’s dad, may he rest in peace </3) wrote to Hope and Hope specifically asked him not to, he went against her wishes and still did anyways. There was also little development. He and Hope danced and talked once or twice in The Originals and never spoke again. And in Legacies, about two years after Klaus’ death, they randomly reunite and kiss by the end of s1 ep1. The most annoying part of this ship was that Hope’s entire story arc from s1 all the way to about s3, was all about Landon. It was the same repeated crap that Hope and Landon were destined to happen without any kind of further development. Another thing to note was that the entirety of s3 was all about Landon. Hope was unhealthily obsessed with Landon and everyone pointed it out and how she was breaking bridges with all of her friends and yet somehow it was romantic. Not to mention when she manipulated Josie Saltzman and had her take back her magic and ended up making her consume dark magic (nearly killing both Josie and her twin Lizzie). All to get Landon back. To top things off, Landon was dead the entirety of season 3! And some of season 4!!!! All of the Landon’s after Landon died due to him having sex with Hope were all fake and Hope never even noticed. But of course, it was still painted as romantic and Hope wasn’t the bad friend, it was the other characters (MG, Cleo, Kaleb, Lizzie and Josie) who were the ‘bad friends’ Anyways, aside from all of that, Landon had zero personality outside of being Hope’s boyfriend. I love both characters (character development from me, lol) but together was a hard no. Another thing I’d like to add is in 3x01, Landon kissed Hope (while she was in some weird sleep spell) and she woke up?? But Legacies said a non consensual kiss is never the answer. But its perfectly fine when it’s an m/f ship, right?

My 2nd ship is Karamel from Supergirl, Kara Danvers and Mon El. I could go on and on about this ship and why I hate it, but if I can sum it up into a few short paragraphs, it is solely because Mon El was a terrible character. He was introduced and immediately asked “What do you call ugly women on this planet? Cats? Or how about dogs?” Which, what the hell? He also was always crossing the boundaries with Kara, and being an absolute misogynist towards her and everything else after that went down hill. He was overall a bad character and just straight up garbage. And like I’d mentioned earlier with Killian and Emma, Kara was a badass character who didn’t need any man in her life, but suddenly Mon El enters the picture and it’s the same “I can fix him” crap that’s in every poorly written romance novel between a man and a woman that’s laced with toxicity, misogyny and just plain awful writing. He also belittled her and tried to paint her as some damsel in distress . And the other part I’d like to mention is that Mon El was a slave owner. So in other words. W.T.F? Anyways, that’s all for this ship. Not to mention Mon El is a self insert from one of the showrunners

And for number one….Ezria. Ezra Fitz and Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars. I don’t think I need to get into this too much. All I have to say is that Ezra was her teacher (she was 16, he was an adult) and he knew who she was before he hooked up with her at the bar. It was bad enough he hooked up with her in the bathroom when she legit looked like she was in her 2nd year of highschool (10th grade in the USA, between 15 to 16 years old) but he knew who she was, her name and everything. He broke her trust and suddenly, it was all okay in the end since they got married.

That’s all for our top 10 most hated ships!

Me: Thank you Jace, for this fun conversation. The next time we get together for an article will be our top 10 most loved (non canon) ships. Is there anything else you’d like to add before we close up?

J: No, that is all. Thanks for having me!

This is the end of this article. Please remember that this is our opinions, and you are not required to agree with them. Please refrain from sending any harassment as these are our opinions (like I always say. I am very biased)

Have a good one

A.J Riley ft Jace

April 11th 2023



A.J Riley
A.J Riley

Written by A.J Riley

Writer by day, superhero by night. LGBTQ+ Shipper. Twitter: aj_written: HASHTAG HOSIE FOREVER

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